
Top 5 Lia Thomas before and after photos

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Lia Thomas born William Thomas is an American transgender swimmer of the University of Pennsylvania known for being a good swimmer.

The 22-year-old lady started swimming at age 5 and has been representing the various schools she has attended in the Olympics.

She is from a family of two siblings – herself and her elder brother, Wes Thomas who is also a swimmer and a student of the University of Pennsylvania.

Thomas was sixth in the state high school swimming championships, competing for Westlake High School.

On Thursday, March 17, 2022, she made history as she became the first known transgender athlete to win an NCAA swimming championship when she took the title in the 500m freestyle.

Top 5 Lia Thomas before and after photos

Towards the end of high school, Thomas began to question her gender identity.

She decided to undergo hormone therapy with the hopes of getting her female hormones to be stronger than the male side.

Check his then photos below.




Checkout her after photos below


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Editor at! Bosomtwi Enoch is a writer who has interest in general news, entertainment, lifestyle, politics and many more. I find pleasure in giving my readers authentic content. Follow me on my official Facebook and Instagram pages: @blayaw.

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