
Is Jeremy Allen White related to Gene Wilder?

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Jeremy Allen White is a 31-year-old actor from the United States.

The role he played as Lip Gallagher in the Showtime dramedy Shameless shot him to fame.

Is Jeremy Allen White related to Gene Wilder?

He has also appeared in various films, including Afterschool, Twelve, After Everything, and The Rental, as well as the first season of the thriller series Homecoming.

He has been starring in the Hulu drama series The Bear since 2022, for which he won a Golden Globe Award.

Allen and the late Gene Wilder are not related in any way. We believe that the comparison of the two actors is pretty far-fetched.

Both actors have their own distich looks and have very unique acting skills akin to them alone. This has been a hot subject of discussion in the media for quite a while. Some believe that he is a replica of the late Willie Wonker actor when he was young.

Others have seriously debunked that argument saying that they look nothing like each other.

The bottom line is both Allen and the late Wilder are superb actors.

Source: Ghanafuo.com

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