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Give more youth opportunity to pursue postgraduate education – KCCR director

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The director of the Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine (KCCR), Prof. Richard Odame Phillips, is advocating for more opportunities to be given to the youth to pursue postgraduate education. He believes that investing in postgraduate education for the youth will lead to sustainable economic growth.

Speaking at the 2nd annual postgraduate conference of the College of Health Sciences, Prof. Phillips emphasized the importance of investing in research and doctoral programs. He highlighted the need for significant investment in the youth, especially considering that 60% of Africa’s population is under 25.

Prof. Phillips pointed out that Africa has a real advantage in investing in the youth, as developed countries do not have the same demographic advantage. He suggested that doctoral training should focus on preparing individuals for various career paths beyond academia.

The theme of the conference, “Harnessing postgraduate research to achieve Sustainable Development Goals,” aims to showcase the latest advancements in healthcare research through oral and poster presentations. This year, the conference saw an increase in the number of abstracts submitted, indicating a growing interest in postgraduate research.

The Pro-Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ellis Owusu-Dabo, stressed the importance of working across the various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and highlighted the interconnected nature of health with other sectors. The Provost of the College of Health Sciences, Prof. Christian Agyare, encouraged participants to actively engage in knowledge exchange and collaboration.

Chairman of the Planning Committee, Prof. Alexander Debrah, emphasized the need to engage stakeholders, policymakers, and communities to ensure that research has a real-world impact. The conference serves as a platform for researchers and scholars to come together to discuss and share new ideas and innovations in healthcare research.

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