
When will Silvio Berlusconi’s be buried? Burial details

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Berlusconi was born in Milan in 1936 and grew up there in a middle-class household. Rosa Bossi (1911-2008), a housewife, and Luigi Berlusconi (1908-1989), a bank employee, were both his parents.

His sister Maria Francesca Antonietta (1943–2009) and brother Paolo (born 1949) were his siblings; he was the first of three children. His grandchildren are ten in number.

1960s cruise ship performance by Berlusconi
Berlusconi attended a Salesian institution for his secondary education before enrolling in the law program at the University of Milan. He graduated in 1961 with honors and a thesis on the legal ramifications of advertising.

 When will Silvio Berlusconi’s be buried? Burial details

On June 12, Berlusconi, who was famed for his flamboyant leadership, died quietly at the age of 85, leaving a significant gap in the political landscape.

The memorial service will celebrate his tremendous achievements in Italy and his legacy as a significant force in world affairs.

According to several reports, the burial service for the adored politician will take place in Milan’s Duomo. However, the family plans to provide additional information regarding the funeral preparations in the coming weeks, particularly with regard to the day, time, and gravesite.

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