
Bob Goody funeral, burial service, pictures, date, time, venue

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Robert Goody, a British actor, librettist, playwright, and former performer with the Royal Shakespeare Company, lived from 16 April 1951 until 5 March 2023.

In the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, Bob Goody received his training (1973–1975).  He performed in several different roles, such as Aleksandr Torra, the Torbinator, and the Turnpike in Hamlet.

He performed on stage with the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1987 in The Comedy of Errors as Dr. Pinch and Hamlet as the Ghost and the Gravedigger. He portrayed Chief Weasel in The Wind in the Willows, an adaption by Alan Bennett, for the National Theatre at The Old Vic in London in 1991.

Bob Goody funeral, and burial service

The general public has not yet been informed of the specifics of the funeral and burial service. We will also add images from the event on our website.

Bob Goody  pictures, date, time, venue

The time, date, and location of the event will be published on our website. Please check our website for additional updates, thank you.

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