Ghana News & Trends

AG chose to meet with me at Justice Yonny Kulendi’s house because he felt comfortable – Jakpa

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Richard Jakpa, the third accused in the ongoing ambulance procurement trial, revealed in court that the Attorney-General, Godfred Dame, chose to meet him at the home of Supreme Court Judge Justice Yonny Kulendi.

Jakpa explained that this location was preferred by the Attorney-General because it provided a familiar and secure environment for their discussions. The meeting served as an introduction before the trial commenced, with Jakpa obtaining Mr. Dame’s contact information through Justice Kulendi.

During cross-examination, Jakpa raised concerns about WhatsApp messages exchanged between him and the Attorney-General, claiming that the submitted messages had been tampered with and misrepresented his communication. This claim adds complexity to the trial, as the court had admitted the full WhatsApp messages as evidence.

The presiding judge, Justice Afia Serwaa Asare Botwe, noted that the court reserves the right to determine the weight of this evidence. The trial continues, with Jakpa’s lawyer objecting to the Attorney-General’s attempt to tender the full WhatsApp chat into evidence.

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