Ghana News & Trends

Ablakwa presents ‘Hands off our Hotels’ petition to government

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MP Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa leads protest against proposed sale of state-owned hotels to government official

Hundreds of protestors, led by Member of Parliament for the North Tongu constituency, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, marched from the Labadi Beach Hotel to present a petition to the Presidency. This came after the “Hands Off Our Hotels” protestors were stopped by police from reaching the Jubilee House.

The demonstration was organized to express opposition to the proposed sale of a 60 percent stake in four prominent hotels owned by the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) to Rock City Hotel, owned by Minister for Food and Agriculture, Bryan Acheampong. The hotels in question include the Labadi Beach Hotel, La Palm Royal Beach Resort, Elmina Beach Resort, and Busua Beach Resort.

During the protest, there was a confrontation between the protestors and the police, resulting in the use of pepper spray and the injury of some demonstrators who are currently receiving first aid. Despite this, Mr. Ablakwa managed to deliver the petition to a representative from the Jubilee House under heavy security.

Ablakwa argues that the sale of state-owned properties to government officials is an abuse of power that should not be tolerated. The protest has garnered support from various sectors, including civil society organizations, concerned citizens, and opposition political groups, all united against what they perceive as an unethical deal.

Prior to the protest, the Ghana Police Service had assured the public of providing adequate security for a peaceful demonstration. Despite the challenges faced during the protest, Ablakwa and the demonstrators remain determined to stand against the transaction they deem harmful and unjust.

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