
Are Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez still friends?

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According to legend, Rodriguez and Tarantino first crossed paths at the 1992 Toronto Film Festival, where the latter was bringing his now-iconic Reservoir Dogs and the former had just released his debut film, the $7,000-budgeted El Mariachi, which would later become a successful franchise.

The two upcoming directors connected right away after participating in panel discussions about violence in movies, forging a friendship and working relationship that will last for decades.

Although Tarantino and Rodriguez have only collaborated as directors a handful of times, including the contentious Grindhouse and the overlooked 90s anthology Four Rooms, they have been exchanging ideas for many years and have appeared in each other’s films in a variety of roles. The best and most notable outcomes of their cooperation were these five unique films.

Are Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez still friends?

Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino, the two modern independent film masters, have a lengthy history of working together on projects; in addition, they are close friends outside of the realm of filming.

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