
Stewart Rhodes eye injury: Why does Stewart Rhodes wear eye patch?

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Stewart Rhodes

Stewart Rhodes is a former Yale Law School graduate and a paratrooper.

The American is widely known for the formation of the largest and most prominent militia organization called The Oath keepers.

Stewart Rhodes eye injury: Why does Stewart Rhodes wear eye patch?

The Oath Keepers are a far-right anti-government militia in the United States.

Its members claim to be defending the United States Constitution.

According to most research, the Oath Keeper membership is around 5,000 people, but leaked data shows a membership of 38,000 people.

In 2009 Oath Keepers was incorporated as a nonprofit organization in Nevada.

There is no record of it receiving tax-exempt status from the IRS.

Days before the January 6th U.S. Capitol attack, the founder, Stewart Rhodes solicited charitable donations to the Oath Keeper Educational Foundation.

Rhodes wears an eye patch currently because he dropped a loaded shotgun back in ’93 and got shot in the face.

This resulted in him getting blinded permanently in the left eye.

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